Catalog of artistically processed images from electron microscopy “Star Status Anima Nano” – Marta Novotová.
UN Pavilion, Expo Dubai. Presentation of artistically processed electron microscopy images from the UNESCO exhibition – Marta Novotová.
October 28 to December 1, 2021
The electron microscopy images titled “The Virus in Us and I in Science,” which were created in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, were exhibited at the UNESCO exhibition “Creative Resilience – Art by Women in Science” in Paris – Marta Novotová. (more…)
Book publication: A. Marček Chorvátová, M. Klacsová, I. Zahradník, “Rozvoj biofyziky na Slovensku” mapping the history and current status of biophysics in Slovakia, written for lay audience. (more…)
October 26-27, 2022
Organization of the symposium SIRMAMTHERA’22 – Mitochondria-associated membranes as therapeutic target in rare neurodegenerative diseases, Bratislava, Slovakia. Head of the organizing committee: Michal Cagalinec. (more…)
May 3-5, 2022
Organization of the Slovak Biophysical Society (SKBS) congress, Smolenice, Slovakia. Head of the organizing committee: Michal Cagalinec. (more…)
18. 9. 2019
The Biomedical Research Centre seminar was held on September 18, 2019 at 1 pm in the large conference room of the Institute of Virology BRC SAS. Title of the lecture: Gender issues in the cardiovascular field. Lecturer: prof. Renée Ventura-Clapier, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France. (more…)
29. 9. 2017
Within the European Researchers’ Night on September 29, 2017 we presented the topic “Electron microscopy as an inspiration for design” in a science booth at the Old Market and in a lecture at the Lab cafe in Bratislava. Presenters at the Old Market: Marta Novotová and Ladislav Novota from the Institute of Molecular Physiology and Genetics, Centre of Biosciences, SAS and Martin Baláž from the Institute of design, Faculty of architecture, STU. Presenters at the Lab cafe: Marta Novotová from IMPG CBs SAS, and Martin Baláž and Ivo Vávra from ID FA STU. (more…)
21. 9. 2017
Department of Muscle Cell Research IMPG CBs SAS in collaboration with the Pragolab company organized the workshop Nanoscopy Studies vol.1, Theoretical and Practical sessions with LEICA STED 3X. The workshop was targeted on researchers and students interested in using super-resolution techniques to study cells, organelles and proteins using fluorescent markers. (more…)
27. 4. 2016
Open Doors Day at DMCR. Students of biomedical physics from Department of biophysics FMPI CU visited the Department of Muscle Cell Research IMPG SAS together with their supervisor doc. Iveta Waczulíkova, PhD. (more…)
7. 3. 2016
Department of Muscle Cell Research IMPG SAS in collaboration with the Pragolab company organized presentation of the STED microscope Leica TCS SP8 STED 3X for the members of the Slovak Bioimaging Initiative as an event of the 1st World Biophysics Week. (more…)
8. 2. 2016
We have organized Open Doors Day on the patch clamp method for students of Biomedical Engineering at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Žilina University. (more…)
17. 8. 2015
We prepared a video for a wide scientific audience on the paper “Ryanodine receptor gating controls generation of diastolic calcium waves in cardiac myocytes” by authors Pavel Petrovič, Ivan Valent, Elena Cocherová, Jana Pavelková a Alexandra Zahradníková (more…)
13. 10. 2014
Information Day for 1st-year students of Faculty of Medicine, Comenius University in Bratislava. Medical students visited laboratories of DMCR and expressed interest to participate in scientific activities at the Institute. The result is an initiative to create an information platform between institutions. The excursion was organised and presented by Marta Novotová, Ivan Zahradnik, Alexandra Zahradníková, jr. and Zuzana Nichtová.
26. 9. 2014
Open Doors Day at DMCR. Students of the First private grammar school in Bratislava (Bajkalska 21, 821 08 Bratislava) visited our laboratories on September 26, 2014 as a part of their coursework. (more…)
26. 9. 2014
Within the European Researchers’ Night on September 26, 2014 we presented a science booth “Live Cardiac Cells” at the Old Market in Bratislava. Presenters: Matej Hoťka, Gizela Gajdošíková, Zuzana Nichtová, Marta Novotová, Alexandra Zahradníková, jr., Alexandra Zahradníková, Ivan Zahradník. (more…)
27. 9. 2013
Within the European Researchers’ Night on September 27, 2013 A. Zahradníková presented a lecture “Cells that actuate life” in the Discovery Hall of the Slovak National Museum“ on the topic of cardiac myocytes that perform the work that leads to cardiac contraction during the systole, and thus secure circulation of blood in the organism. (more…)