Computer Methods

Mathematica (Wolfram Research), MATLAB (MathWorks), Huygens (Scientific Volume Imaging), pClamp (Axon Instruments), Origin (OriginLab), Chimera (UCSF), SITUS (, LAS X (Leica), Modeller (, original software in C++     

Methods of analysis

  • analysis of measurements and simulations of isolated channels, and of recordings of ion currents
  • analysis of cellular calcium signals
  • analysis of passive electrical properties of cells
  • localization of protein structures into electron density maps
  • 3D reconstruction of confocal and wide-field image series
  • deconvolution of confocal and wide-field image series
  • quantitative morphometry by the method of vertical sections
image Hugens3D CellAnalyzer

Computer methods and simulation are used for:

  • Development of gating models of the ryanodine receptor (RYR) that link the binding of ligands (Ca2+, Mg2+, ATP …) to individual RYR monomers to the ability of RYR tetramers to open
  • Development of stochastic models that link the activity of individual channel molecules to activity of channel ensembles (cluster forming the dyad) in the cardiac myocyte
  • Simulation of activity of single channels and channel ensembles
  • Simulation of calcium spark formation and of propagation of calcium waves
  • Construction of geometrical models of muscle cells
  • Modelling of protein structure

The objective of these studies is to understand the relationships between the structure and the function of channels, and the relationship between the activity of channels in isolation and in the cell.

wave wave modelcell molecule